Attainment is important for young people, but exams have to be seen in a wider context as part of an education that allows young people to flourish, says John Sentamu. Up and down the country, there are great examples of schools achieving fantastic results for some of the most disadvantaged pupils – results that give them that important piece of paper at GCSE or A-Level, but also equip them to be active agents for change in our society. My Youth Trust’s citizenship resource has to date reached over 48,000 young people who are transforming their communities, across the North of England. However, we must not be naïve. Morale amongst school leaders is at a crisis point. Late last year Teach First, Teaching Leaders and Future Leaders together published research indicating that by 2022 we could be short of up to 19,000 school leaders. This could mean that 1 in 4 schools lacks the leadership team it needs with recruitment of leaders a particular concern in rural settings. The Church of England has surveyed some of our own 4,700 headteachers asking them what their challenges are. Morale amongst school leaders is at a crisis point Shrinking budgets and teacher recruitment featured,…
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