I took a banner made by my students to a protest against the UK’s links with Trump because history tells them that the struggle for rights is never over
As a teacher, I regularly have to remind students of the perils of using social media, but earlier this week it was me who came under fire for something that I’d written on Twitter. Katie Hopkins, writing for the Daily Mail about Monday’s protests against the UK government’s close alignment with the Trump administration, suggested that the tens of thousands of protesters were all unemployed, unwashed child-neglecters, and explicitly stated that the people who supported the protests should be sterilised. In response, I said that I had gone to the protest after a long day at work and that I had taken a banner made by some of my students, who incidentally had “more heart (and brain) than her”.
Related: When Trump supporters sneer at protests, what are they scared of? | Hadley Freeman
Continue reading…https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2017/feb/02/katie-hopkins-brainwashing-children-teach-protest
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